Tychon wants to meet You.
Tychon Recruiting places candidates with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies across the United States and in Europe. Tychon thrives because we actively seek and cultivate long-term relationships with people just like you.
Tychon believes that our candidates are our clients, too. You are an equal partner in this executive search process and we treat you as such.
If you are a senior executive or professional in the life sciences fields, we invite you to register with Tychon. By registering with Tychon, you’ll be one step closer to getting your qualifications in front of our internal life sciences account executives and our clients’ hiring managers. Whether you are seeking a new position today or want to introduce yourself to Tychon, please register your professional credentials now.
As you progress in your career – and when you require an executive recruiter – stay in touch with Tychon. Keep your information current and Tychon can look out for exciting opportunities for you.
Explore Tychon’s current JOBS.